Sheep Protectors pt 2

In Questing ・ By NamesisWolf
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It was a rainy afternoon, in the warrenfall plains. A small stream cut through it, small fish would come up to the surface looking for food. A crow in a nearby tree cawing for his friends. 

The three Vayrons, Quilo, London and Lyon would still be watching over a herd of 40 sheep. They had about two and a half days left before they were expected to return the group to their home. They spent some of the last few days getting to know one another, among watching the sheep of course. 

Quilo would be huddled near a lit campfire, trying to stay warm, and out of the mud. London would be seated nearby, though Lyon would be off seated on a rock keeping an ear out for any more predators that could be lurking in nearby brush. 

“Do you plan to have any more kids?” London would casually ask the Borealis, by now knowing he had a son. 

“I hope to, down the road. Though I would prefer finding that special someone first. It wasn’t easy raising Solis on my own.” Quilo would respond, glancing toward the direction of Lyon. 

“I’m sure you’ll find someone. Would like to believe there is someone out there for everyone.” 

Though the conversation would soon be disrupted by Lyon calling out to the pair, “Hey! We are missing a sheep!” 

London and Quilo would get up to move over to the big green puller. London being the one to speak up, “We are missing one? Since when? I counted them all this morning.” The purple lacework would seem to pause for a brief moment, “I haven’t heard or seen any sign of a wolf either.” 

“It couldn’t have been long.” 

Quilo would speak up soon enough as well, “I’ll go look for the missing sheep, you two stay to look after the rest. Can’t be too careful after all.” The other two would nod before Quilo would be off to seek out the missing sheep. 

He would look around every bush and tree, eventually coming across the missing sheep hidden away in some tall weeds. Though this sheep wouldn’t be alone, a little form of a baby sheep would be curled up next to her. The now momma sheep would lick her newborn baby. “Ah, there you are…” 

Quilo would watch the two sheep for a few moments, before urging the momma sheep up alongside her baby. He knew he needed to get them back with the rest of the herd sooner than later. After all, the birth of a baby tended to attract wolves, and after having to scare them off once this trip he didn't want to play with fire. 

Meanwhile London and Lyon would watch over the rest of the herd on opposite sides. Each of the males keeping their ears pricked forwards and keeping their heads on a swivel. They didn't yet know the conclusion of the missing sheep and they didn't want to take chances of it having been a wolf or bear. It wouldn't be long before they would have to lead the sheep back home and having a causality or more on their heads wouldn't be a good look.

But when Quilo returned with two sheep London and Lyon would exhale a sigh of relief. “I am back with the sheep!” The Borealis would announce himself, before leading the two sheep somewhere in the middle of the herd.

London and Lyon would smile at the male and the sheep he brought back. “Nice to see that she's unharmed.” London would say before adding, “And that her baby is safe and sound.” 

After those two days would come and go, the group would pack their supplies back up. Nothing major has happened since the birth of the sheep, which they felt was a good thing. No attacks and no deaths. It wouldn't be long before they would gather the sheep together and start to move out at the break of dawn. 

They would follow the same path that they took to get to this spot. London and Lyon on either side of the herd and Quilo at the rear. Each male keeps an ear out for any potential dangers along the way. Very few clouds would be in the sky during their trip back. Quilo just appreciated the lack of mudd on his paws. 

When the three had the herd back to the farm in which the sheep lived, they would have to guide them in the pen. Quilo would get the gate as London and Lyon ‘pushed’ them in. The borealis closing the gate once the last sheep had entered pen. 

The farmer who owned said sheep would count each of them before calculating out how much he owed each of the vayrons. Splitting the Krones three ways between them. Making sure to thank them plenty for bringing them all back alive, plus one. 

It was a job well done, London, Lyon and Quilo would return to their homes soon enough after. It wouldn't be the last time that they would work together. 

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Sheep Protectors pt 2
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In Questing ・ By NamesisWolf

WC: 847

Vayrons: Lyon 16369 | Quilo 14004 | London 6676i

Quest AR- A-QUEST 2: Wooly Business

Submitted By NamesisWolf
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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